Friday, August 31, 2012

Whiting Family Reunion: July 2012

   I came across all of the pictures from this trip and figured that I would share some of them to document Tylee and Matthew's first experience at the Whiting Family Reunion at the Edwin Marion Whiting Homestead;)
    A little background on my family history and the birth of the homestead itself. The homestead is located about 6 miles off of the US 60 East going from Show Low to Springerville- the mile marker for the turn off is actually at Mile Marker 370. The homestead has been there for the last 5 generations from the Edwin and Maria Whiting posterity. [Edwin and Maria were my Grandmother's Grandparents- making me a 5th generation Whiting]
    The story of how the homestead came about is really a wonderful family story. The tale began with Edwin and Maria- they were faithful members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and did everything they could to live righteously. Well, one winter, a General Authority was to come and visit their stake and they were determined to be there when he spoke. The winter storm had come heavily, and Maria thought that it would be better to stay home with the children because it was incredibly cold. Now, Edwin understood that it was an awful storm and that the children needed to stay warm- but, he looked at Maria and said "If a General Authority member can travel 2 weeks to get here from Salt Lake in this storm, then we can certainly travel the few miles to hear him speak the words of the Lord". With that, they packed up the kids [not entirely sure how many had been born by then, but Edwin and Maria had 9 children all together] and rode in the storm in their carriage to the church.
    When they got to the building, there were only 2 or 3 other families that had made the trip to hear from the General Authority [again, there is no certainty of which one it was] and they were surprised. During his talk, the General Authority addressed these few families directly and said to them "It has been impressed upon me, that because you have made the trip in the horrible storm to hear me speak, if you have a righteous wish, it will be granted." Well, at the time Edwin and Maria had made their wishes silently and after the meeting, they went home. Some time later, they shared their wishes with one another, and they turned out to be exactly the same. That their posterity would ALWAYS remain close.
    Now, many many many years and generations have passed, and on a regular basis, the extended posterity of Edwin and Maria plan and organize a 4-day Family Reunion to be celebrated at the homestead where Edwin and Maria eventually settled and raised their family. Back then, the Homestead consisted of 5,000 acres, but have since been split up and some donated to The Boy Scouts of America to have a scout camp- and 1,000 acres remain in the Whiting name. A few family members have built their own cabins on the property, and one day, Matthew and I plan to do the same.
   The following are pictures from the trip, and they are so special because this was the first time that I was able to share this family tradition with Matthew, and I know that he now holds a special place in his heart for the Homestead just as I do!

This is a view from Sierra Trego, the mountain on the property of  the main area of the Homestead.
Matt; enjoying the view and the cooler weather!

Tylee, trying to have fun at one of the exhibits set up- quite obviously ready for a nap!

um...HILARIOUS right??

I was told to "try to mimic Tylee's facial expression"

Tylee and I under the Gazebo- it was my birthday!

At another Exhibit, she loved the Legos!--My Mom said she looked like Godzilla Baby terrorizing the town! 

My Sisters, Tylee and I with the Connelly girls---our favorite cousins!
Tylee fell asleep on the ride up to Greens Peak our last day there.

The next few pictures are from the view of the Ranger's Tower on top of Greens Peak

Family Photo Opp!

Is that not Heavenly?

My two favorite people in the whole wide world!

A look into the Ranger's living space!

Smokey the Daddy:)
My sister RaeLynn and I

Don't look down!

My mom signing the guest book in the Ranger's Tower

Then me:)
The Ranger's Tower we climbed for the view...awesome!

Going home, and the gorgeous storm clouds rolling in

My dad caught red-handed stealing one of the welcome signs on the way out!

Had to add the edited Family Photo Opp!

Also edited version of one of the Ranger Tower View pictures.

We had a GREAT time at the Homestead. So many fun memories made, and so many more ahead of us in the coming years. It is a place that is SO near and dear to my heart, and such a huge part of my family's history. I was so happy to finally be able to share it with Matt, and take my little one there to enjoy some time with my family. I can't wait for the next reunion!!!

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