Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Daddy's 26th!


    We had SUCH a good day for Matthew's Birthday yesterday, and we were so happy to finally have a day all dedicated to Matthew and the family!

   On the Thursday before Matt's birthday on Tuesday, Tylee and I did a little shopping in the sneakiest of ways!!---Let me preface this story with the fact that Matt absolutely HATES surprises...but, obviously--I don't care! I love being surprised and I love setting them up for other people too! So, in the spirit of trying to surprise him in a positive way...Tylee and I took some money out of a bank account that Matt doesn't normally check online, and headed to Scottsdale Fashion Square. I had some ideas of what I wanted to get him, but knew that there was something that I had my mind set on...this hat!
    Matt LOVES the Miami Heat, and especially LeBron James, so I just knew that he would love this gift! And after that, we took a little trip into the past and bought him the cologne that he used to wear when we were dating: Abercrombie & Fitch's FIERCE!! [just the smell of the shop brought back so many memories!]  And then, just to top it all off, we bought some sturdy black socks from Ross [fyi- Matt has what I like to call, "finger-toes" and puts holes in the tips of every single pair of dress socks he owns! So, i.e. the reason I got him the SPORT socks!] We said that they were from Tylee, along with a card that was absolutely perfect for him!
    Now, I really wanted to make him feel like his day was super special and that I was trying to make his day  important. I had seen an idea for setting up balloons against our bedroom door from Pinterest- when he opened the door, all of the balloons would flood in and welcome in his birthday!:) BUT, a few things went awry...1) I woke up too late, so I was rushing to get all of the balloons blown up, 2) Matt woke up earlier than I thought he would, and I had to tell him to get back into the room until I was finished, and 3) the stupid Dollar Store tape wouldn't stick to the wall, OR the wax paper to keep the balloons corralled against the door. SO, needless to say, I got really frustrated and ended up just opening the door and throwing the balloons into the room! Then, I told him that he couldn't come downstairs until I was finished!
     During that time, I blew up the remaining balloons and let them play on the living room floor. I placed the back with the socks from Tylee at the top of the stairs, the wrapped up cologne on the middle part of the stairs, and then when he got downstairs he found the third box containing his hat. He was so excited for the socks and cologne...and then it was the moment of truth! For any of you that might know Matt, you know that he is VERY particular in the things that he asks to receive for if he hadn't asked for it, and he didn't like it- he's not the kind of guy that acts like he likes something to spare my feelings, he will let me know what he really thinks. So, needless to say, I was extremely nervous to find out what he thought about his hat. And....much to my surprise... he LOVED it! And then ended up wearing it all the rest of the day and the next!:)
     After all of the morning fuss was over, we treated him to a birthday breakfast at IHOP, where Tylee started a new thing, and started dancing to all of the classic rock music in the restaurant with her hands high in the air and waving them back and forth...seriously THE cutest thing everrrrr! [Here's the best picture we could get of it]

 At that point, Tylee had just had enough, and it was time that we all got home and took a nap! Once we all woke up, we decided to go back to Scottsdale Fashion square to "walk around the mall." [yeah. RIGHT!] But, we got into the car, and headed there. We started to just wander around, and entertaining Tylee- then I suggested that we stop in Buckle and look around...that's when we got bombarded by a sales guy that kept pressing us for what we were looking for, so Matt finally gave in and started trying on some jeans. After about 20 minutes, 3 pair of jeans and 4 shirts that he tried on later- he decided on a pair of light-wash Buffalos; he kept saying that he didn't want to spend any money on him... but I made him get 'em!
    Next, a little more walking- then, he decided that he wanted to stop into The Foot Locker, where he debated between two pair of the same shoe in a different color, he finally chose the outrageously colored red and turquoise LeBron James "Nine" tennis shoes. By this time, Matt was telling me that he felt bad that he was spending "all this money on himself"--and then asked if I wanted anything. So, naturally- the shopper that I am, I wasn't going to surpass THAT opportunity!;) So, after a couple trips to the fitting room, I decided on a couple shirts and a cute gold necklace.
    We walked around for a little while longer before we could smell all of the WONDERFUL aromas of the Food Court and knew we couldn't go any longer before eating! So, with my Greek Salad from Paradise Bakery and Matthew with his Bacon Cheeseburger from Five Guys- we sat down to a nice birthday dinner!:) Where Tylee proceeded to be a total ham, and of course we got it on film too!! hahaha

   We went home afterwards, and just relaxed with a RedBox movie and some oreos. I do have to say that I think it was a wonderful way to spend a birthday, and I just can't WAIT for Tylee's VERY FIRST BIRTHDAY in just a short 6 weeks and 6 days!! AAAHHHHH!!!

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