Book Club for One?

Okay, so this summer I've taken up reading some pretty easy-to-get-through romance novels that I'd like to kind of start a "book club" of sorts here for me. I don't do any serious, hard reading.. just for fun! So, I wanted to document the ones that I've enjoyed so far this summer.

While I write my "reviews" it's certainly not an objective way of doing things...I just wanted this to be a fun thing for me to look back on the books that I've read--mostly so I don't go back and read them again!
So, there are going to be no criteria, or categories that I'll be organizing my thoughts into; just my general opinion on the books as a whole. And maybe for those of you that read my silly little blog, it will give you an idea of whether you'd like to read them too!

   A few months ago, there were a few ladies in my ward that wanted to start a book club, but it never really took off. The first book we wanted to start out with was the High School Summer Reading Classic "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy... was a classic alright. A classic BORE!! Don't get me wrong, it was a great book of it's time, but maybe I'm just an silly girl that likes a fun-to-follow love story... but I got about half way through the 900 and 30 something pages and just couldn't read any more!! I tried really hard to keep all of the different life stories straight..but it just got to be too much information to maintain sanity as the book changed from one person's perspective to the next. 
  I think that a lot of it had to do with the fact that there was nothing that I could relate to! I mean marrying girls off at 14 and extramarital love affairs of the 1800's was just too much! I have no doubt that the rest of the book would have made everything come together perfectly just like every other work of fiction...but, I just don't think that I was open-minded enough to really enjoy it. I was so ready to finish the book, but after page 400 head was hurting and my eyes couldn't take it any longer!! 
   Leo Tolstoy is a PHENOMENAL author with a vocabulary that I could barely follow, but Anna Karenina just wasn't my cup of tea!

After my first book club FAIL I decided to switch to a little lighter reading with "The Lucky One" by Nicholas Sparks (don't be surprised if he's almost the only author for the next few books!)

Well, all I have to say is that I haven't seen the movie yet, but I had seen some of the previews so it was really nice to have a face to match with the book characters as I read. [I did the same thing with the Twilight series Summer of '09--I watched the first movie and then read the rest of the series! haha] But, I know that the movie comes out tomorrow on DVD, so I'm super excited to RedBox that bad boy and see for myself how great Zac Efron really is as Logan Thibault!
    Now Nicholas Sparks is my kinda guy, purely love stories!! I can definitely follow that! I loved The Lucky One!!...I was so easy to follow the story, even when jumping back into the past. I loved knowing the back story of all the major characters to get a better understanding of the kind of people they were. It was really refreshing that the story didn't go right into a love relationship, and there was more "getting to know" each other as characters in the book before the love really started to bloom. The conflict was perfectly placed in the story line, and really quite unexpected. 
     The basis of the story centers around Logan's "luck" that he had that was rumored to have saved him from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and a freak accident afterwards. The "luck" supposedly comes from a picture that he found of Elizabeth while serving in active duty. After 10 weeks of no one claiming the picture, he kept it for himself. When the friend that kept trying to convince him that his luck from the picture unexpectedly dies, he decides to try to see if it really was true. And decided to WALK across the country to  find the woman in the picture; Elizabeth
   Long story short [and without giving all the details away] Elizabeth finds out in a round-about way about the picture that was supposed to be with her brother Drake while HE was in active duty...she reacts very negatively and causes the conflict in the story. I was really happy to find out that the conflict didn't get DRUG out forever so it was tearing out your insides to find out how it resolves...let's see how that goes in the movie!
   Overall, I LOVED this book and I would recommend it for anyone that is interested in a light read and a love story that you can relate to!
Thanks for reading!

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