Meet The Castañedas

   I know I posted a little about us on the home page, but I'd like to share our story with those of you that don't know us. Matthew and I have been married for almost 2 and a half years, so I think it would be special to use our blog to document our "love story", if you will, so that our children will be able to look it up forever!
    It all started at Eastern Arizona College...I was a Freshman, new to the town, and a Cheerleader. It was February 14, 2009, and well.. it was destined to be a Valentine's Day to remember!:)
    The cheer squad had planned a Valentine's Day routine for the half-time show of the basketball game that night, we had two or three buckets full of holiday candy that we had planned to give out. Well, during the first half of the game, Matthew and all his silly friends decided it would be a good idea to mess with us cheerleaders and eat the candy before we had a chance to give it out. I was starting to get annoyed, but the older girls on the team just thought it was funny.. well, as soon as it was time to give out the candy after our routine had finished, Matt and his friends were sitting in the front row expecting a piece of candy from little old me. When I saw that there was nothing left in the buckets, I found two little pieces on the ground and handed it to them not even thinking......
    LITTLE DID I KNOW-----apparently I had handed Matthew a Hershey's Kiss and he took it upon himself to use it in a pick-up line to get to me. Little did HE know---I was taken! But that certainly didn't deter him. As soon as the game was over, Matthew came up to me as I was packing up my stuff to go and asks "So, when can I cash this in?" as he held up the Hershey's Kiss. I looked right at him, completely shocked that a boy would be so...unbelievably BOLD, and I said "Um, never!" and walked away. Although I had a boyfriend at the time... I've got admit, it was REALLY hard to say no to "The Big Man on Campus" and all of his buddies that everyone on campus knew- plus, he had a really hot car;)
    Well, he didn't stop there... thank goodness;) Later that night, we ran into each other at a Dance Party and he asked me the same question, this time I was really stunned that he would take a crack at it a second time so I couldn't say a word!...Unfortunately, I didn't have to say anything, the guy I was dating made it painfully clear to Matthew that I wasn't available, so he backed off for a while.

   About a month later, Matthew reached out to me on Facebook...oh, the wonders of technology! And we became friends, and started getting to know each other on a platonic level. He started up the conversation by asking "So, you've got a boyfriend huh?" to which I replied "Unfortunately...yes;)" and he said "Well, then I won't ask for your number...yet;)"...from then on, I knew that what I was getting into would be so good for me!

   After leaving EAC for the summer to go home, the previous relationship that I had been in ended, and as soon as I changed my "relationship status" on Facebook, Matthew Instant Messaged me and said "So, I can have your number now right?"...and then we started a whirlwind relationship that is still so fresh in my mind! After talking every night for hours on end, getting to know each other, learning about our families, talking about his Mission and counting down the days until we saw each other again, we both figured that video chatting would be a whole lot better than simple phone calls! [Again, I'm SO thankful for technology!!] We began reading our scriptures together, and sharing our testimonies of the gospel. One wonderful night, I distinctly remember when I fell in love with him; we were discussing what we had just read in The Book of Mormon that night, and he revealed to me his love for the gospel and how it had changed his life...and from then on, I knew that I would marry this super hot, wonderfully kind, smart-witted Return Missionary, and we would spend the rest of our lives and eternity together <3

   After a couple challenges at the beginning, we started officially dating August 14, 2009... and it was just the best! We spent as much waking time that we could together when we weren't in class or at work. We would stay up 'til way too late just talking and laughing and getting to know each other better and better. [No way could I get away with that little sleep these days!] Around the end of October, beginning of November... I started to get a little antsy waiting for him to just propose ALREADY!:) [It didn't help that I had found a Ben Bridge Jeweler's card from Matthew's pocket after a trip to Mesa!] I felt like I was just dying, I mean we had talked about getting married almost immediately, and I just felt like he liked watching me squirm as I waited for the ever-important question!!!
    FINALLY, on December 30, 2009 he laid it on me! While I had a little suspicion that it was happening that night, judging by the elaborate date on a gondola ride in Scottsdale... it still caught me by surprise when he popped the question ON the gondola while it was still in the water!! It was a dream and I responded by "NO, YOU ARE NOT!"...of course, I said yes and just admired that gorgeous ring he had placed on my finger!!
    After months of planning, we were finally sealed in the Mesa, AZ Temple for time and all eternity!!!:) All of our closest family and friends were there to share the love and the joy with us, and we can't thank them enough for that!
Wonderful Bridal Party!!



  Then in June 2010 we took our week-long Honeymoon trip to Cancun, Mexico!!! Completely gorgeous!
Gorgeous Beach!

Loving the Ocean ride on the Catamaran!


Our Honeymoon was so much fun! But, I do have to say that it was really nice to have Matthew there that could speak the language! Everyone would direct the conversation to me in the beginning...and then I would just smile, turn to Matt and say "Honey?" hahaha. Let's just say, I'm pretty sure that everyone we talked to thought I was stupid! hahaha.

After the Honeymoon, we went back to little Safford, AZ where we lived in a little 2-bedroom house while we both looked for jobs and places to live in the Phoenix-Metro area. Matthew was working at Rent-A-Center at I at Safeway. We finally left Safford and moved into the Townhouse that we live in currently, where Matthew started his job with Verizon, and I started at Rent-A-Center here in Mesa. Matt was attending ASU for his Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiology to prepare for Physical Therapy School a little further down the road.


February 16., 2011 Matthew and I found out that we were going to have a BABY!!!! Since I was working 10 hour days at RAC, we both decided that it would be better for me to find a job that was a little less demanding so we could get ready for this wonderful blessing. I then started at Desert Schools Federal Credit Union as a Teller...and there I spent all of the rest of my pregnancy; up until the day before I was induced!
      October 16, 2011 is the most wonderful day of our lives up until this point!!! It was the day that our gorgeous baby girl, Tylee Brielle Maree Castaneda was born;  weighing in at 7lbs 10oz and 21 in. long. She was born at 5:55pm..after I had been induced at 6:00 that morning! That was the LONGEST 12 hours of our lives as we waited for our little miracle to arrive! Here are  some pictures of that wonderful day!

Well, now our little Tylee is 10 1/2 months old, trying to walk and has an attitude you wouldn't believe! We are still living in Scottsdale, but we hope to buy a house here VERY soon so we can move on to the next chapter in our lives, and give Tylee and much bigger place to grow and develop. Matthew still works at Verizon, which has given me the opportunity to be a stay-at-home mom; which is by FAR the best job in the world! 
    I love my family and everything the Lord has blessed us with. We are truly happy and honored to be living this life as parents to our little one. She brings light and life to our days, and we hope that one day she will know just how much we love her! 

Thank you for reading my ridiculously long post, I just felt that if I was going to do this "blogging thing" I might as well start it off right!!

With Love,
Danielle Castaneda and Family<3


  1. I always love hearing these stories thanks for sharing. :)

  2. You are so welcome! Thanks for reading...I certainly love to entertain!
