Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tylee's Latest Accomplishments

[From here on out, I'll be posting all of Tylee's milestones as posts, and also on her page so it is a continual story and timeline...just f.y.i.:)]

  • 08/26/2012   
WELL... I really didn't think that I would be back to Tylee's page so often, but this little bug is developing so fast, that I just don't want to miss out on anything!!
  Well, on this Monday...Tylee has decided to bring a little more of her little attitude and personality at us. She has started to mimic me, and I think it's like the CUTEST thing ever! The other day, I looked at her and I put my hand to my head and said "Ohhhh No!" and she put her hand to her head and dropped it down just like I did!!! I couldn't believe it, she is growing up so fast! 
     She is also starting to play "keep-away"...she likes to get a toy or just about anything she can get her hands on, and offer it to you- just as soon as you reach for it, she'll take it back and just giggle and give her scrunchy nose, eyes closed smile! And she wants to do it over and over and over again, I love it! My Grandma called her "The Indian Giver";)
     Her favorite game to play with mommy is "I'm gonna gitchyou!!"...I'll look at her, say I'm gonna get her...she'll try to crawl away really fast and then turn to make sure that I'm still coming after her, and turn to crawl again. Once I get to her I'll just tickle her and she just laaaaaughs and laaaaaughs!! It is my absolute favorite, and her little giggle just brightens my day! <3

  • 08/28/2012
   On Daddy and Mimi's birthday, Tylee started a new dance craze! She raises her hands up in the air, bounces her cute little body in time to the music, and waves her hands back an forth! Seriously the CUTEST thing I have seen her do yet! She is just a little ball of personality and I just can't get enough!!!!!

    She is still clapping every time anyone tells her "good job" and starting to really enjoy playing with her toys. The next step is to get a bigger place, so we can give her all of the space and toys that she needs to really stimulate her--she really is very smart for her age and I want to make sure that I'm doing everything to further help her progress. 

Well, for the last few days Tylee has had an awful runny nose, on and off fever and been super irritable---we all know what that means...TEETH!!! For the last two days I was really convinced that her two top teeth would be the first to make an appearance- but, today I felt that her bottom, left front tooth has ever so slightly broken through her gums!! She's officially not just "all gum"! While its kind of hard to see right now [note the absence of pictures] but I can sure feel it:) I am such a proud mommy! It's about time; and only 3 weeks and a day short of her 1st birthday, she's growing fast!

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