Tuesday, August 21, 2012

From the Top

Well, I'm new at this so we might as well...start from the top!

        It gets a little hazy all up until I had the wonderful opportunity of becoming a mother. My husband Matthew and I were married in May of 2010 and have never looked back.
Married May 20, 2010 at the Mesa AZ Temple
Honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico June 2010
While we both started at EAC [Eastern Arizona College] we ended up together in Scottsdale, AZ. We have been here since July 2010, Matthew works for Verizon and well...since moving here, I have worked at Rent-A-Center and Desert Schools Federal Credit Union; but now? Well, now I've got the best job in the world, raising my gorgeous daughter Tylee Brielle Maree Castaneda<3
       After 8 months of marriage in February 2011, Matthew and I learned that we would be adding an addition to our little family. While it was a complete surprise, it was the best one we could have imagined! ten months and a lot of water weight later... we brought our beautiful daughter into this world. From that moment on, we knew that our lives had changed in ways we couldn't yet imagine. But, I have got to say, that being a mother has given me a purpose in life that I never knew existed...and I am so grateful for this wonderful gift that has been given to us!
      We are currently looking for a home to raise Tylee in, and to give her the space she needs to grow and develop. We have quite a few options, but we seem to have a particular idea of the kind of house we're looking for, and after going through many of them.. we just haven't found the right on! So, we will still be searching, but Matthew and I feel that it's time to really focus on him finishing his undergrad so he can continue on to his graduate Physical Therapy Program soon. I am so proud of him and his accomplishments so far, and I couldn't have asked for a better husband! He has been such an example to me in my life as well as in my spirituality. He served his Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints from November 2005 to November 2007, and came back with an understanding and appreciation for the Gospel of Jesus Christ that I can only hope to gain in my lifetime. He leads me in life through all that we endure, and we take our temple covenants very seriously, and hold them to the highest regard. Now, it is our mission here at home to make sure that our children have ample opportunity to learn the Gospel, so they may live it and love it in the way that Matthew and I have throughout our lives. 
     We know that we have a lot of life ahead of us, and we intend on living it to the fullest...Come What May!
    For those of you that will begin following my newly created Blog, I should let you know that it will most likely be a chronological description of Tylee's life and milestones, our family trips, adventures, and experiences. I thank you all in advance for sharing all of this with me!

With love,
Danielle Ashley Castaneda and Family <3

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