Tuesday, September 4, 2012

No More Dirty Knees!

    Well, today was certainly one to remember forever! While Tylee has been taking her time learning how to get comfortable with the idea of walking with a few unassisted steps here and there...but, today was much much different!

    I am one really excited Mama for sure! As I cleaned the house and played with Tylee and the little girl that I nanny, Tylee probably only crawled about TWICE today!! The rest of the time that she was mobile, was purely walking! And I'm not talking about the kind when she uses the wall to help her steady herself, I'm talking full-on, all by herself, walking like a TODDLER!!! At this point I am so surprised, but I do have to say that it will be really nice not to have all of her outfits ruined at the knees because of her crawling around on my dirty floors [that no matter what I do, never get clean]. My mind is blown! She is only 10 1/2 months old, and she is just so determined to get around just like mommy and daddy do! I'm so proud of her!:)

   Also, she is starting to show signs of developing her motor skills to a much more deliberate level. For the last 2 days, she has been making sure that when she is picked up, she wraps her arms around my neck to hold on and get as close to secure on her own as she can. 
  The latest, and funniest addition to her personality is pretty advanced, if I do say so! Whenever she gets into a little bit of trouble, is told "no", or when she knows that she wants something that she can't get on her own...she offers a kiss!!! Just the other day, we were with a lot of family and my Father-in-Law was holding her near the refrigerator. There was a painted, ceramic butterfly magnet on the fridge, and she wanted it. When she would reach out for it, and realized that she couldn't get to it herself...she would look at her Bompa and she would offer him a kiss---and try again! She did it about 3 or 4 times before anyone realized that she is starting to use the art of manipulation! Tylee also likes to make small little pinches on my chest whenever I hold her for a long period of time, and lately I've let her know that I don't like that and it hurts. When she knows that I am telling her to stop and that I don't like it, she stops, and offers me a kiss...and then does it all over again! Now, I'm sure it's a part of her tactile development...but it doesn't feel good!;) 
   Everyday, I can see more signs of her personality showing through...and I know that she is going to be a little firecracker. Testing my patience, and learning how she can get to my "mommy emotions" to "pull one over on me"--she's too smart for her own good;) But, boy do I love that little girl! I can't wait to start planning her 1st Birthday Party coming up WAYYYYY to fast! I know that I'm in for a run for my money!

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