Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Boy, Oh Boy..I've got a Toddler!

Following is the list of Tylee's latest endeavors! :)
  • 9/24/2012
       TYLEE'S FIRST TOOTH HAS OFFICIALLY BROKEN THROUGH THE GUMS!!!!! I am SUCH a proud mommy! When you look at and fee her gums on the bottom, you can see her left bottom tooth trying it's very hardest to grow:) While she has been REALLY cranky and had the worst runny nose, I'm so happy to see that she has a reward for all of her body's hard work! Here is a picture, it's not perfectly clear, but it's the best one that she would let me get! haha.

  • 10/02/2012
    Okay, I have been a bit of a naughty mommy and haven't posted about Tylee's latest accomplishments as they happened--OOPS! Life just kinda gets in the way sometimes; SO, I have decided to take the time today to list the things that she has been working on, and things that she has mastered in the last few weeks. Since my last post Tylee:
  • can blow her nose when she is asked
  • walk- and pretty much run now!
  • starting to really get a vocabulary- of which includes "no!"... :(
  • after her bath, she tries to put the plug back into the tub- and is usually successful!
  • she waves "hello" and "goodbye"
  • dances with every kind of music whenever possible (including to commercials while in her high chair!)
  • she likes to purse her lips together and breathe in an out- and sometimes when she breathes in, she whistles!;)
  • she SCREAMS when she sees something that she wants---and let's face it, I can't help but give it to her!
  • she has a pallet for all things fruit and veggies! (so proud of that) while on a play date last week, she could NOT get enough cherry tomatoes--and the proof was all over her onesie!
  • she LOVES to get into my cabinets to play with all of my pots, pans, lids and tupperware--I know I need to baby-proof it, but it's just so darn cute!
  • Tylee LOVES water, but prefers to take my soda off the copy table whenever the opportunity arrives and tried to drink it right out of the can! (luckily she only knows how to use the sippy cups with straws, so she can't lift it up-but it sure is cute!)
  • she gives kisses when she knows she gets in trouble- just today she hit the little girl I nanny in the head, and I turned around and said "no, we don't hit, you give her a kiss and say sorry" and she did it!! (proud mommy moment for sure)
  • lately, she has taken up the "death stare" and all I can do is laugh when she does it, it is seriously so funny! 
  • every chance that she gets, she will steal my iPhone, put it up to her ear and "talk" as if she is talking to someone on the other line. Most of the time, it's "DaDa"
  • my last post was about her tooth breaking the gums, well, it's gotten a little taller- but now we can see that her top, front two teeth are trying to come in with a vengence! I really hope that by the time her birthday party comes a long...she'll have them in! HOW CUTE!
  • lastly- my (almost) 1 year old is still wearing 3-6 month baby clothes, and occasionally, she can pull of a 6-9 month outfit.  But that's okay...I like her little!;)  
   She is growing up SO fast, and developing at a very quick rate. I can't wait to take her to her 1 year well-visit with her Pediatrition to see how she is developing in comparison to other kids her age! I love my little Nugget!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

No More Dirty Knees!

    Well, today was certainly one to remember forever! While Tylee has been taking her time learning how to get comfortable with the idea of walking with a few unassisted steps here and there...but, today was much much different!

    I am one really excited Mama for sure! As I cleaned the house and played with Tylee and the little girl that I nanny, Tylee probably only crawled about TWICE today!! The rest of the time that she was mobile, was purely walking! And I'm not talking about the kind when she uses the wall to help her steady herself, I'm talking full-on, all by herself, walking like a TODDLER!!! At this point I am so surprised, but I do have to say that it will be really nice not to have all of her outfits ruined at the knees because of her crawling around on my dirty floors [that no matter what I do, never get clean]. My mind is blown! She is only 10 1/2 months old, and she is just so determined to get around just like mommy and daddy do! I'm so proud of her!:)

   Also, she is starting to show signs of developing her motor skills to a much more deliberate level. For the last 2 days, she has been making sure that when she is picked up, she wraps her arms around my neck to hold on and get as close to secure on her own as she can. 
  The latest, and funniest addition to her personality is pretty advanced, if I do say so! Whenever she gets into a little bit of trouble, is told "no", or when she knows that she wants something that she can't get on her own...she offers a kiss!!! Just the other day, we were with a lot of family and my Father-in-Law was holding her near the refrigerator. There was a painted, ceramic butterfly magnet on the fridge, and she wanted it. When she would reach out for it, and realized that she couldn't get to it herself...she would look at her Bompa and she would offer him a kiss---and try again! She did it about 3 or 4 times before anyone realized that she is starting to use the art of manipulation! Tylee also likes to make small little pinches on my chest whenever I hold her for a long period of time, and lately I've let her know that I don't like that and it hurts. When she knows that I am telling her to stop and that I don't like it, she stops, and offers me a kiss...and then does it all over again! Now, I'm sure it's a part of her tactile development...but it doesn't feel good!;) 
   Everyday, I can see more signs of her personality showing through...and I know that she is going to be a little firecracker. Testing my patience, and learning how she can get to my "mommy emotions" to "pull one over on me"--she's too smart for her own good;) But, boy do I love that little girl! I can't wait to start planning her 1st Birthday Party coming up WAYYYYY to fast! I know that I'm in for a run for my money!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Whiting Family Reunion: July 2012

   I came across all of the pictures from this trip and figured that I would share some of them to document Tylee and Matthew's first experience at the Whiting Family Reunion at the Edwin Marion Whiting Homestead;)
    A little background on my family history and the birth of the homestead itself. The homestead is located about 6 miles off of the US 60 East going from Show Low to Springerville- the mile marker for the turn off is actually at Mile Marker 370. The homestead has been there for the last 5 generations from the Edwin and Maria Whiting posterity. [Edwin and Maria were my Grandmother's Grandparents- making me a 5th generation Whiting]
    The story of how the homestead came about is really a wonderful family story. The tale began with Edwin and Maria- they were faithful members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and did everything they could to live righteously. Well, one winter, a General Authority was to come and visit their stake and they were determined to be there when he spoke. The winter storm had come heavily, and Maria thought that it would be better to stay home with the children because it was incredibly cold. Now, Edwin understood that it was an awful storm and that the children needed to stay warm- but, he looked at Maria and said "If a General Authority member can travel 2 weeks to get here from Salt Lake in this storm, then we can certainly travel the few miles to hear him speak the words of the Lord". With that, they packed up the kids [not entirely sure how many had been born by then, but Edwin and Maria had 9 children all together] and rode in the storm in their carriage to the church.
    When they got to the building, there were only 2 or 3 other families that had made the trip to hear from the General Authority [again, there is no certainty of which one it was] and they were surprised. During his talk, the General Authority addressed these few families directly and said to them "It has been impressed upon me, that because you have made the trip in the horrible storm to hear me speak, if you have a righteous wish, it will be granted." Well, at the time Edwin and Maria had made their wishes silently and after the meeting, they went home. Some time later, they shared their wishes with one another, and they turned out to be exactly the same. That their posterity would ALWAYS remain close.
    Now, many many many years and generations have passed, and on a regular basis, the extended posterity of Edwin and Maria plan and organize a 4-day Family Reunion to be celebrated at the homestead where Edwin and Maria eventually settled and raised their family. Back then, the Homestead consisted of 5,000 acres, but have since been split up and some donated to The Boy Scouts of America to have a scout camp- and 1,000 acres remain in the Whiting name. A few family members have built their own cabins on the property, and one day, Matthew and I plan to do the same.
   The following are pictures from the trip, and they are so special because this was the first time that I was able to share this family tradition with Matthew, and I know that he now holds a special place in his heart for the Homestead just as I do!

This is a view from Sierra Trego, the mountain on the property of  the main area of the Homestead.
Matt; enjoying the view and the cooler weather!

Tylee, trying to have fun at one of the exhibits set up- quite obviously ready for a nap!

um...HILARIOUS right??

I was told to "try to mimic Tylee's facial expression"

Tylee and I under the Gazebo- it was my birthday!

At another Exhibit, she loved the Legos!--My Mom said she looked like Godzilla Baby terrorizing the town! 

My Sisters, Tylee and I with the Connelly girls---our favorite cousins!
Tylee fell asleep on the ride up to Greens Peak our last day there.

The next few pictures are from the view of the Ranger's Tower on top of Greens Peak

Family Photo Opp!

Is that not Heavenly?

My two favorite people in the whole wide world!

A look into the Ranger's living space!

Smokey the Daddy:)
My sister RaeLynn and I

Don't look down!

My mom signing the guest book in the Ranger's Tower

Then me:)
The Ranger's Tower we climbed for the view...awesome!

Going home, and the gorgeous storm clouds rolling in

My dad caught red-handed stealing one of the welcome signs on the way out!

Had to add the edited Family Photo Opp!

Also edited version of one of the Ranger Tower View pictures.

We had a GREAT time at the Homestead. So many fun memories made, and so many more ahead of us in the coming years. It is a place that is SO near and dear to my heart, and such a huge part of my family's history. I was so happy to finally be able to share it with Matt, and take my little one there to enjoy some time with my family. I can't wait for the next reunion!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Daddy's 26th!


    We had SUCH a good day for Matthew's Birthday yesterday, and we were so happy to finally have a day all dedicated to Matthew and the family!

   On the Thursday before Matt's birthday on Tuesday, Tylee and I did a little shopping in the sneakiest of ways!!---Let me preface this story with the fact that Matt absolutely HATES surprises...but, obviously--I don't care! I love being surprised and I love setting them up for other people too! So, in the spirit of trying to surprise him in a positive way...Tylee and I took some money out of a bank account that Matt doesn't normally check online, and headed to Scottsdale Fashion Square. I had some ideas of what I wanted to get him, but knew that there was something that I had my mind set on...this hat!
    Matt LOVES the Miami Heat, and especially LeBron James, so I just knew that he would love this gift! And after that, we took a little trip into the past and bought him the cologne that he used to wear when we were dating: Abercrombie & Fitch's FIERCE!! [just the smell of the shop brought back so many memories!]  And then, just to top it all off, we bought some sturdy black socks from Ross [fyi- Matt has what I like to call, "finger-toes" and puts holes in the tips of every single pair of dress socks he owns! So, i.e. the reason I got him the SPORT socks!] We said that they were from Tylee, along with a card that was absolutely perfect for him!
    Now, I really wanted to make him feel like his day was super special and that I was trying to make his day  important. I had seen an idea for setting up balloons against our bedroom door from Pinterest- when he opened the door, all of the balloons would flood in and welcome in his birthday!:) BUT, a few things went awry...1) I woke up too late, so I was rushing to get all of the balloons blown up, 2) Matt woke up earlier than I thought he would, and I had to tell him to get back into the room until I was finished, and 3) the stupid Dollar Store tape wouldn't stick to the wall, OR the wax paper to keep the balloons corralled against the door. SO, needless to say, I got really frustrated and ended up just opening the door and throwing the balloons into the room! Then, I told him that he couldn't come downstairs until I was finished!
     During that time, I blew up the remaining balloons and let them play on the living room floor. I placed the back with the socks from Tylee at the top of the stairs, the wrapped up cologne on the middle part of the stairs, and then when he got downstairs he found the third box containing his hat. He was so excited for the socks and cologne...and then it was the moment of truth! For any of you that might know Matt, you know that he is VERY particular in the things that he asks to receive for holidays..so if he hadn't asked for it, and he didn't like it- he's not the kind of guy that acts like he likes something to spare my feelings, he will let me know what he really thinks. So, needless to say, I was extremely nervous to find out what he thought about his hat. And....much to my surprise... he LOVED it! And then ended up wearing it all the rest of the day and the next!:)
     After all of the morning fuss was over, we treated him to a birthday breakfast at IHOP, where Tylee started a new thing, and started dancing to all of the classic rock music in the restaurant with her hands high in the air and waving them back and forth...seriously THE cutest thing everrrrr! [Here's the best picture we could get of it]

 At that point, Tylee had just had enough, and it was time that we all got home and took a nap! Once we all woke up, we decided to go back to Scottsdale Fashion square to "walk around the mall." [yeah. RIGHT!] But, we got into the car, and headed there. We started to just wander around, and entertaining Tylee- then I suggested that we stop in Buckle and look around...that's when we got bombarded by a sales guy that kept pressing us for what we were looking for, so Matt finally gave in and started trying on some jeans. After about 20 minutes, 3 pair of jeans and 4 shirts that he tried on later- he decided on a pair of light-wash Buffalos; he kept saying that he didn't want to spend any money on him... but I made him get 'em!
    Next, a little more walking- then, he decided that he wanted to stop into The Foot Locker, where he debated between two pair of the same shoe in a different color, he finally chose the outrageously colored red and turquoise LeBron James "Nine" tennis shoes. By this time, Matt was telling me that he felt bad that he was spending "all this money on himself"--and then asked if I wanted anything. So, naturally- the shopper that I am, I wasn't going to surpass THAT opportunity!;) So, after a couple trips to the fitting room, I decided on a couple shirts and a cute gold necklace.
    We walked around for a little while longer before we could smell all of the WONDERFUL aromas of the Food Court and knew we couldn't go any longer before eating! So, with my Greek Salad from Paradise Bakery and Matthew with his Bacon Cheeseburger from Five Guys- we sat down to a nice birthday dinner!:) Where Tylee proceeded to be a total ham, and of course we got it on film too!! hahaha

   We went home afterwards, and just relaxed with a RedBox movie and some oreos. I do have to say that I think it was a wonderful way to spend a birthday, and I just can't WAIT for Tylee's VERY FIRST BIRTHDAY in just a short 6 weeks and 6 days!! AAAHHHHH!!!

Tylee's Latest Accomplishments

[From here on out, I'll be posting all of Tylee's milestones as posts, and also on her page so it is a continual story and timeline...just f.y.i.:)]

  • 08/26/2012   
WELL... I really didn't think that I would be back to Tylee's page so often, but this little bug is developing so fast, that I just don't want to miss out on anything!!
  Well, on this Monday...Tylee has decided to bring a little more of her little attitude and personality at us. She has started to mimic me, and I think it's like the CUTEST thing ever! The other day, I looked at her and I put my hand to my head and said "Ohhhh No!" and she put her hand to her head and dropped it down just like I did!!! I couldn't believe it, she is growing up so fast! 
     She is also starting to play "keep-away"...she likes to get a toy or just about anything she can get her hands on, and offer it to you- just as soon as you reach for it, she'll take it back and just giggle and give her scrunchy nose, eyes closed smile! And she wants to do it over and over and over again, I love it! My Grandma called her "The Indian Giver";)
     Her favorite game to play with mommy is "I'm gonna gitchyou!!"...I'll look at her, say I'm gonna get her...she'll try to crawl away really fast and then turn to make sure that I'm still coming after her, and turn to crawl again. Once I get to her I'll just tickle her and she just laaaaaughs and laaaaaughs!! It is my absolute favorite, and her little giggle just brightens my day! <3

  • 08/28/2012
   On Daddy and Mimi's birthday, Tylee started a new dance craze! She raises her hands up in the air, bounces her cute little body in time to the music, and waves her hands back an forth! Seriously the CUTEST thing I have seen her do yet! She is just a little ball of personality and I just can't get enough!!!!!

    She is still clapping every time anyone tells her "good job" and starting to really enjoy playing with her toys. The next step is to get a bigger place, so we can give her all of the space and toys that she needs to really stimulate her--she really is very smart for her age and I want to make sure that I'm doing everything to further help her progress. 

Well, for the last few days Tylee has had an awful runny nose, on and off fever and been super irritable---we all know what that means...TEETH!!! For the last two days I was really convinced that her two top teeth would be the first to make an appearance- but, today I felt that her bottom, left front tooth has ever so slightly broken through her gums!! She's officially not just "all gum"! While its kind of hard to see right now [note the absence of pictures] but I can sure feel it:) I am such a proud mommy! It's about time; and only 3 weeks and a day short of her 1st birthday, she's growing fast!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

From the Top

Well, I'm new at this so we might as well...start from the top!

        It gets a little hazy all up until I had the wonderful opportunity of becoming a mother. My husband Matthew and I were married in May of 2010 and have never looked back.
Married May 20, 2010 at the Mesa AZ Temple
Honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico June 2010
While we both started at EAC [Eastern Arizona College] we ended up together in Scottsdale, AZ. We have been here since July 2010, Matthew works for Verizon and well...since moving here, I have worked at Rent-A-Center and Desert Schools Federal Credit Union; but now? Well, now I've got the best job in the world, raising my gorgeous daughter Tylee Brielle Maree Castaneda<3
       After 8 months of marriage in February 2011, Matthew and I learned that we would be adding an addition to our little family. While it was a complete surprise, it was the best one we could have imagined! ten months and a lot of water weight later... we brought our beautiful daughter into this world. From that moment on, we knew that our lives had changed in ways we couldn't yet imagine. But, I have got to say, that being a mother has given me a purpose in life that I never knew existed...and I am so grateful for this wonderful gift that has been given to us!
      We are currently looking for a home to raise Tylee in, and to give her the space she needs to grow and develop. We have quite a few options, but we seem to have a particular idea of the kind of house we're looking for, and after going through many of them.. we just haven't found the right on! So, we will still be searching, but Matthew and I feel that it's time to really focus on him finishing his undergrad so he can continue on to his graduate Physical Therapy Program soon. I am so proud of him and his accomplishments so far, and I couldn't have asked for a better husband! He has been such an example to me in my life as well as in my spirituality. He served his Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints from November 2005 to November 2007, and came back with an understanding and appreciation for the Gospel of Jesus Christ that I can only hope to gain in my lifetime. He leads me in life through all that we endure, and we take our temple covenants very seriously, and hold them to the highest regard. Now, it is our mission here at home to make sure that our children have ample opportunity to learn the Gospel, so they may live it and love it in the way that Matthew and I have throughout our lives. 
     We know that we have a lot of life ahead of us, and we intend on living it to the fullest...Come What May!
    For those of you that will begin following my newly created Blog, I should let you know that it will most likely be a chronological description of Tylee's life and milestones, our family trips, adventures, and experiences. I thank you all in advance for sharing all of this with me!

With love,
Danielle Ashley Castaneda and Family <3