Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sorry for Slacking!

I am ashamed to say that the last time I posted was shortly before Tylee turned one...that was 3 months ago=/ Oops! Where does the time go really? I can't really comprehend the concept of time when it comes to raising a toddler. All of the days start to run together, and once a whole week is gone...again, I am so mad at myself for not notating all of Tylee's adventures.

  October 26th 2012, Matthew and I signed the papers and got the keys to our very own home! We found it and had originally put a bid on it, but were denied because a cash offer was chosen. Two or three days after that, we learned that the cash offer fell through..SO- they asked us if we would like to re-activate our offer. And of COURSE we did! We fell in love with this house, and we felt so incredibly blessed to be given a second chance, and we're so glad we went forward with it!
   Not to say that is wasn't a pleasant experience, the home buying adventure was just that...and adventure with twists, turns, ups and downs, and even some tears were shed. BUT, in the end, we were approved and now we are living the perfect home for our family.
   It is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with a beautifully spacious living room and kitchen, and a 2-car garage...not to mention a big backyard with grass! It's a little far out from the main city life, but we love the neighborhoods and our ward out here in San Tan Valley, we could not have asked for a better place to start our first investment as a couple!

As of late, there really hasn't been much to be noteworthy, except for maybe the fact that Matt and I were just recently called to be team primary teachers for the CTR 4 class in our new ward. While it takes a little getting used to, after only 3 weeks, I absolutely LOVE my primary kids! They are so anxious to learn, and so sweet spirited, that I find myself trying to live a life that they would be proud of. I know that we are the ones that are supposed to be teaching them, but it's those innocent hearts that teach me the true lessons!

   Matt is still working really hard and Verizon, and continues to be among the top Sales Reps in his region, I'm so proud! Since moving into our home, it has taken a bit of adjusting but I think we're finally finding out our routines. The one thing that I wish I could do for him, is to help out financially. I have had a few opportunities to make a little cash to help out, but have either fallen through, or turned out to be not-so-legit. SO, we are still fasting and praying for the right opportunity to arise, so I can still stay home with Tylee. After all, she is my number one priority!

  Because I've pretty much been MIA, for the last 3 months, I wanted to document the things that I have noticed Tylee learning and developing, and I promise to be better in the future! SO- here's hoping that a New Year's resolution to be better at journaling our lives will be successful! I feel a little obligated to include what Tylee has been up to for the last 3 months for future reference- so bear with me!
  Though, I can't chronologically order these events, I will just sum it all up and hope I get it all down!
Tylee can:

  •  Tell me what she wants through the few baby sign language signs that we've taught her i.e. milk, water, bath, more please
  • she LOVES the creepy baby doll that my mom got her for Christmas, and drags her around in a mini stroller all day!
  • she's VERY attentive, and copies just about anything I do..right down to the way I look in the mirror!
  • has a healthy appetite..she could eat all day long if I let her
  • she tries to be mostly independent but, can't do it all on her own, and voices her frustration when she needs my help
  • unfortunately, she suffers from night terrors and wakes up about an average of 2 times a night screaming, yet still asleep
  • she is becoming more of a love bug and sharing more and more hugs...which is JUST fine by me!;)
(getting snuggly after a long trip to the park)
  • When it's time for bed, she will fold her arms, and let Matt and I know that it's time to say family prayer [precious, right?!]
  • When I take her into her dark room to lay her down, she hurries and sneaks in another hug with me because she knows I love them...and she trying to delay the inevitable!
  • she is s HUGE fan of taking baths, and looks at me and says "BA!", takes me by the hand and leads me to the bathroom
  • lately she has been really stuck on Super Simple Learning songs on YouTube that are fun songs teaching her basic alphabet skills and numbers...which is a huge help when trying to keep her quiet during Sacrament Meeting!
  • she absolutely enjoys books, and every once in a while I'll catch her sneaking off to her dark room, and when I find her, shes snuggled up to a few stuffed animals in her reclined chair flipping through the pages of a the dark!
  • when I ask her "are you hungry?" she will nod her head ferociously and run to the kitchen for me to prepare something for her.
  • within the last few weeks she has learned what a banana is, and knows where they are usually kept in the kitchen. She will point up at them and say "nana!" and that's when I give in and give her the banana!
  • Three more teeth have found their way unto the daylight in the last couples days- she's getting another on the bottom and two opposing molars...rough nights for sure!
  • Her hair is so darn curly that is makes it so much fun to do her hair, and put headbands and hairbows in her hair to dress up any outfit. Plus, it gives me an excuse to make a bunch more hair accessories for her!
  • She REALLY loves being outside and spending time with our boxer, Sophie.

The lighting was so perfect that day, I just couldn't help but capture her joy!

  • She has been experimenting with trying put her own clothing on, and though I have yet to capture it on film, she will put an article of clothing on her head and spin around in circles until she runs into something!
  • The last week she has been reaching out to tell me that she's made mess in her diaper. I have actually been able to catch it a couple times before hand and ask her "Are you going poop?" to which she will answer by reaching down to touch her diaper. I do have to say that I am really looking forward to not spending any more money on diapers, but at the same time...I know it's a little early to talk about it, but I'm NOT looking forward to trying to potty train. I don't even know where to start?!?!
  • She has caught onto the words "Na-night" "Buh-bye" "Uh-Oh" "Pee Pee" "Baby" and of course..."No" every day she surprises me with the new words that she catches onto and never forgets!
   I'm sure there is more, but I can catch up with all of it a little later :)

    Tylee is SUCH a smart little girl [though, I may be a little bias] and as each day rolls into the next, I find myself looking at her in awe of the tiny human she really is. As her mother, I marvel at her development each day and wonder to myself what kind of person she will become!
  Thanks for listening!