Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Boy, Oh Boy..I've got a Toddler!

Following is the list of Tylee's latest endeavors! :)
  • 9/24/2012
       TYLEE'S FIRST TOOTH HAS OFFICIALLY BROKEN THROUGH THE GUMS!!!!! I am SUCH a proud mommy! When you look at and fee her gums on the bottom, you can see her left bottom tooth trying it's very hardest to grow:) While she has been REALLY cranky and had the worst runny nose, I'm so happy to see that she has a reward for all of her body's hard work! Here is a picture, it's not perfectly clear, but it's the best one that she would let me get! haha.

  • 10/02/2012
    Okay, I have been a bit of a naughty mommy and haven't posted about Tylee's latest accomplishments as they happened--OOPS! Life just kinda gets in the way sometimes; SO, I have decided to take the time today to list the things that she has been working on, and things that she has mastered in the last few weeks. Since my last post Tylee:
  • can blow her nose when she is asked
  • walk- and pretty much run now!
  • starting to really get a vocabulary- of which includes "no!"... :(
  • after her bath, she tries to put the plug back into the tub- and is usually successful!
  • she waves "hello" and "goodbye"
  • dances with every kind of music whenever possible (including to commercials while in her high chair!)
  • she likes to purse her lips together and breathe in an out- and sometimes when she breathes in, she whistles!;)
  • she SCREAMS when she sees something that she wants---and let's face it, I can't help but give it to her!
  • she has a pallet for all things fruit and veggies! (so proud of that) while on a play date last week, she could NOT get enough cherry tomatoes--and the proof was all over her onesie!
  • she LOVES to get into my cabinets to play with all of my pots, pans, lids and tupperware--I know I need to baby-proof it, but it's just so darn cute!
  • Tylee LOVES water, but prefers to take my soda off the copy table whenever the opportunity arrives and tried to drink it right out of the can! (luckily she only knows how to use the sippy cups with straws, so she can't lift it up-but it sure is cute!)
  • she gives kisses when she knows she gets in trouble- just today she hit the little girl I nanny in the head, and I turned around and said "no, we don't hit, you give her a kiss and say sorry" and she did it!! (proud mommy moment for sure)
  • lately, she has taken up the "death stare" and all I can do is laugh when she does it, it is seriously so funny! 
  • every chance that she gets, she will steal my iPhone, put it up to her ear and "talk" as if she is talking to someone on the other line. Most of the time, it's "DaDa"
  • my last post was about her tooth breaking the gums, well, it's gotten a little taller- but now we can see that her top, front two teeth are trying to come in with a vengence! I really hope that by the time her birthday party comes a long...she'll have them in! HOW CUTE!
  • lastly- my (almost) 1 year old is still wearing 3-6 month baby clothes, and occasionally, she can pull of a 6-9 month outfit.  But that's okay...I like her little!;)  
   She is growing up SO fast, and developing at a very quick rate. I can't wait to take her to her 1 year well-visit with her Pediatrition to see how she is developing in comparison to other kids her age! I love my little Nugget!!